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Top 5 Foods and Drinks to Avoid for Whiter Teeth

For most of us, having a whiter smile is a confidence booster, helping us to feel our best. Despite this, maintaining a pearly white smile can be a challenge. If you are looking to enhance your teeth’s whiteness, then there are five foods and drinks you should be avoiding at all costs because they can cause your teeth to stain yellow, reducing their brightness. 

Services for teeth whitening in Reading are available with Beech Lane Dental for those who are suffering from stained teeth and looking to achieve a brighter smile.

Let’s explore 5 food and drinks to avoid when trying to maintain whiter teeth. 


If you are a regular berry eater or drinker, then you’ll be sad to learn that berries can easily stain your teeth due to being acidic. This includes cherries, blackberries, blueberries and more! To prevent stains when eating berries you could drink some milk or eat some cheese straight afterwards as this could help to neutralise the acid. 

Tea & coffee

Whether you take milk in your hot beverages or not, they can be a huge cause of yellow stains on your teeth and eroding your enamel. If you don’t want to give up hot caffeine drinks then try drinking with a straw, or rinsing with water straight after drinking your tea or coffee. 

Pasta sauce

When eaten regularly pasta sauces can cause stains on the teeth. This is especially the case for darker-coloured sauces like tomato-based sauces. Try eating lighter-coloured sauces such as creamy sauce if you are looking to avoid staining your teeth. 

Red & white wine

Red wine is dark which can leave dark stains on your teeth, causing discolouration, and reducing their whiteness. If you drink red wine frequently then over of your teeth might end up looking more blue, grey, or even brown. 

In addition, white wine can also damage your teeth but in a different way. White wine won’t stain your teeth the way red wine does but instead, it will alter the pH balance in the mouth due to being acidic. This makes your teeth more vulnerable to damage. 


Whilst many of us enjoy a tasty curry, the spices used in curry dishes, unfortunately, carry strong colour pigmentations which can leave a yellow stain on the teeth, especially when curry is eaten on a regular basis. If you do enjoy a curry then try to rinse your mouth after eating to avoid the pigmentation sitting on your teeth. 

Services for teeth whitening in Reading are available with Beech Lane Dental, for those who seek a brighter and whiter smile in a safe and efficient manner

How to maintain a brighter smile and whiter teeth in general?

Now that you know which food and drink to avoid to prevent stains, there are some other tips and tricks you can also follow to help achieve the white pearly smile of your dreams. 

Whitening toothpaste 

Ask your dentist for recommendations on the best toothpaste to whiten your smile and help protect your teeth. 

Use a straw more often

By using a straw you can prevent the stain culprits from reaching your teeth in the first place, helping your teeth to stay bright and clean. 

Rinse with water after eating

Make a good habit of rinsing your mouth with water after every meal, especially if what you have eaten contains lots of sugar or colour pigmentation.


Get professional teeth whitening

Whilst you can follow good oral hygiene tips to help enhance your teeth whiteness, the most effective way to achieve the pearly white smile of your dreams is to seek professional teeth whitening. If you are looking for teeth whitening in Reading, then look no further than Beech Lane Dental Care.

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to quickly improve your smile, giving you a brighter more radiant smile in as little as a 60-minute procedure. Whitening is the ideal way to whiten teeth that have been stained by consuming certain foods and drinks over time. At Beech Lane Dental Care we offer 2 types of teeth whitening treatments. Get in touch today to learn more.

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