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0118 987 2755
Beech Lane Dental Care Address:
35 Beech Lane, Earley, Reading RG6 5PT

Dental Hygienists in Reading

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    Why see a dental hygienist?

    At our practice we believe that preventive dental care is the cornerstone of modern dental care. This is where our dental hygienists come in.

    Hygienists are specially trained to clean your teeth to remove build of tartar and also give you the right advice about your oral hygiene routine and diet to prevent dental decay and periodontal (gum) disease.

    Periodontal disease is the Number One cause of tooth loss amongst adults. This is because a certain number of people (15-20%) have immune systems that overreact to the bad bacteria in their mouths. When this overreaction occurs, the immune system attacks and breaks down the bone and tissue that surround the tooth. This destruction is not predictable and can occur sporadically. None of us knows if we are part of this 15-20% because we can't usually feel or notice the onset of periodontal disease. Both adults and children should be routinely checked for periodontal disease.

    Keeping your gums in shape

    The role of the dental hygienist in the prevention and control of periodontal disease and to clean the areas which you cannot reach and remove any tartar present. Tartar cannot be removed by normal tooth brushing. Additionally the dental hygienist will give advice on tooth brushing, how to clean between your teeth using floss and inter-dental brushes and the use of mouthwashes. They will also check your medical history to ascertain whether they are any medical conditions that might predispose to gum disease.

    You are the key player on the hygiene team. If you don't carry out the essential homecare routine recommended by the dental hygienist it will be difficult to control the advancement of periodontal disease.

    Keep in mind that healthy gums don't bleed. Periodontal disease is not curable, but it is treatable, and in most cases, controllable.

    Following the preventive advice given by the hygienist will not only help you prevent periodontal disease and dental decay, but it will also make any dental work carried out last as long as possible, thus reducing the need for treatment.

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